Tuesday, October 26, 2010

RISE TO THE GREAT POTENTIAL WITHIN YOU. I do not ask that you reach beyond your capacity. I hope you will not nag yourselves with thoughts of failure. I hope you will not try to set goals beyond your capacity to achieve. I hope you will simply do what you can do in the best way you know how. IF YOU DO SO YOU WILL WITNESS MIRACLES COME TO PASS. ~President Hinckley

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"My darling little girl, when will you understand that "normal" is not a virtue. It rather denotes a lack of courage." -Alice Hoffman

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Please take my hands in yours, hold on , don't let go! I am just a child living in a world that often is to fast and scary for me, a world I know nothing about. I am eager to learn to grow to develop to become more of what I am able. I want to develop my self worth and share it with others, but I will need you help, you have knowledge of what I know nothing about about. I need you to teach me as others have taught you , but please have patience with me and give me the chance to become what I am capable of becoming.

I pray that you will teach me the things that brings happiness, things like love, faith , hope, patience ,endurance and the joy of working hard and succeeding. I beg you to care enough to correct me when I am wrong, encourage me when I fail, teach me the road is long and often hard and please always believe in me and always believe in my self worth. Give me something solid to cling to, trust in and to have an unwavering faith in. Until am there I can lean on you so one day I to can be strong.

I want my life to have purpose, a meaning, a goal, I want something to dream about, as you also have dreams about me , lets work towards those goals together , help me feel that I am part of this world , in which I live in which I cease to exist. I want to contribute to this world I want to help it grow and I want the progress to make us both something to be proud of. Again I ask for your help please be my voice when my words get mumbled in my head, know to fight for me and my value of my worth.

Help me build a life with character, purpose and fulfillment, Show me peace which stems from freedom teach me to care for myself and others that through this I will learn to love honor and respect my country and my God. Teach me of God that I may know the greatest of love. Make me aware of beauty of creation and of dignity of labor . Teach me to work hard and to take pride in what I do , so I can develop talents.

I am just a child and I may always depend on you for guidance but teach me to try to dream and to believe. As I grow you will grow and as I climb you shall climb. For all you give to me I will give back to you and fill your heart with an everlasting warmth.